Pandemic Hideaway

Wow. This time of year, we have never been busier. March? In the middle of the school year? This has never happened before. Therefore, we have to adapt.

Our rental customers are renting for 2,3 and 4 week slices. It has never happened before. Although we relish the idea of having our hideout all to ourselves, we understand that families with children are going stir crazy. Kids are not in school. They are cooped up in city apartments without so much a s a backyard or tiny patch of grass to play upon. Children need to run and play. Doggos need to chase a bol. These are facts. This is where we come in. We are offering the highly essential service of providing escape. Fresh air, sunshine, rain, nature. Are these not essentials for families? We think yes. And our rental calendar supports this notion.

That’s where our Catskills vacation rental comes in.

Our farm has proved itself as a respite. Our cleaning company is using a defcon 1 level disinfecting protocol. There is no surface that is not being cleaned by stealth managers in full mask and gloves combo attire. Duvets and blankets are being sprayed. Sheets and towels are beaten into submission with 220F hot water, bleach and soap. Surfaces are attacked with surfectants and sunlight.

We want you and our team to be safe from COVID-19. That is our top priority.

Furthermore, we want you to have your own time to relax, refresh and recharge on a private farm with a mountain view. Your pupper ad children need room to run, laugh and play. Throw the ball to the dog 800 times in a field. Watch the sunset behind a lake. Let your heart beat fast when you see a bald eagle. Get grossed our when you find a deer carcass in the woods. Feel everything with nature. And we will be there for you.

To enumerate, some of the changes we are implementing are:

  1. Guests are now encouraged to bring their own disinfecting wipes and spray to maintain daily disinfecting during their stay.

  2. To maintain hygiene, laundry use is now for staff only.

  3. We have removed all shampoo, conditioner and body wash from the guest bath.

  4. Pump soap dispensers are now disinfected between guests.

  5. Blankets and duvets are now being sprayed in place to prevent cross contamination.

  6. We have removed all baby toys and lawn games.

  7. The outdoor cedar tub will remain closed for the season until further notice.

These are just some of the steps we are taking to ensure the safety of our Medusa family. We are not virologists but we’re doing everything our wonderful Governor Andrew Cuomo, via the CDC, suggests to small business owners.

Our latest tweet:

Taking every step possible to ensure sanitized home for our city-fleeing renters. All customers are being asked if they have any symptoms before check in. All surfaces sanitized. All bay toys, shampoo, sponges, body wash etc has been removed. Renters not using laundry. #COVID19

field after the rain

Before|After COVID HOME Project: Patio Chairs
